Monday, October 22, 2007


For this blog I am going to talk to you about the mini TV series Roots. Roots was developed in 1977 and was based on the book by Alex Haley, Roots: The Saga of an American Family. Roots was a groundbreaking event in the television history in the USA. Roots received 37 Emmy Award nominations, with a total of 9 Emmys and a Golden Globe.

Roots is discussing a baby boy borned named Kunta Kinte, who when reaches the age of 15 is sent with a bunch of other teenage boys, to a ceremony where they become men.
A ship full of white men come and take a whole bunch of men to become slaves. After several weeks the ship finally lands in America, all the Africans are sold as slaves.
Kunta Kinte struggles for survival trying to escape several times and never succeeds. He finally gets adapted to his new lifestyle on a plantation.

The whole series is about the struggles slaves had, and how they fought and fought to stay alive. Roots went back to where it all started, how sudden everything happened. How we were stolen from our homes and made slaves out of men. Roots shows us how the white men did not care about us, we were inferior to them even to their dogs.

Roots was a mini TV series, it is now a DVD series, it is also a novel, if you want to know the pain and suffering we went through I recommend watch it or even read it. They are amazing. In the movie, the slaves are talking English, but no one can understand them cause they are really supposed to be talking in their native tongue, it is just so we can obviously understand them.

Roots is very deep and makes you think how horrible people were actually treated, the novel and TV series, changed the way people thought about us. Roots made an impact and was a great deal in the American television history.