Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Cry From A Black Man

I would like everybody to know how I feel about the way African Americans have been treated all over the years. These days, the way we’ve been treated are obviously a lot better than in the past. If some people really understood the way we actually feel, and how some of us pretend like it doesn’t bother us; but deep down it tears our insides apart. We were treated worst than dogs, handcuffed and chained in the bottom of boats, stolen from our homes, turned from men to babies; hiding in the shadows.

We could never stand up straight again, never able to look at any one else in the eyes. We lost all hope of ever being free, being able to walk down the street without being told what to do, or who to look at. Some important black people have changed the way we live our lives today, Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks.

We will never be able to get away from the racism, there are some people who just don’t see more than color, doesn’t matter what there is deep down, they only see what’s on the surface. Some of it is our fault, we treat ourselves the same way the whites did when we were their slaves. We throw words around that imply that we are inferior; when the truth is we gave a lot to the world today and without our intelligence we would live in the dark( which I will discuss in a further blog entry)
The poem that is underneath is a poem that is written by a writer; CoCoMix45, which describes the way most people feel about African American people and how we should all smarten up and fix the problems around us.

A Cry From A Black Man
-CoCoMix 45

Every-time I wake up

I pray for that day

When Blacks can feel proud

And our past washed away

But I can't see a future

When we keep our eyes shut

And we continue to live

In the dark and in the smut
We're the only Race on earth

That takes pride in a word

That made slaves out of men

And stands for hate when it's heard

But we hear it everyday

And it starts with an "N"

Like drugs in our veins

Its use has no end

I can never understand

Why we embrace it with love

A word born out of Hell

We should not be proud of

You will never hear others

Insult them selves like we do

As we watch them succeed

While we're flush down the tube

We've been treated worse than dogs

And a lot is our fault

For we pass to our young

All the crap we've been taught

We will always be slaves

If we continue to use

That word we've been called

And we seem to abuse

How can we earn respect

In a world like today

When we keep ourselves down

And never change in our ways

It's time to turn things around

And break this chain that we bear

And stop living as fools

And put our ass into gear

We must instill in our young

They're the key to our change

Make education the rule

Let success be their range
And only then we will earn

The respect we demand

And stop living a word

That ties up our hand

So I say to my Brothers

And Sisters you too

Let's show pride in ourselves

For we're Gods children too


heartbroken said...

i loved the poem you included in your blog. it wrapped everything you said up so nicely.
"So I say to my Brothers
And Sisters you too
Let's show pride in ourselves
For we're Gods children too"
i totally agree with that part of the poem and i think its ridiculous when people treat others like they're not human just because of their race.

lilDipper09 said...

wow, you're blog is so strong and touching. The poem at the end really ties everything together.

Desire said...

Wow, your concept and beliefs are so strong. Keep up the great work! :D